Terms and Conditions

This website is an e-commerce website accessed via the Internet address www.facialappsbeauty.com.This website is open to any Internet user (hereinafter referred to as "User").The publisher of this website is Ezebuonah International Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Seller").This website enables the Company to offer cosmetic and fragrance products (hereinafter referred to as "Products") for sale to users who visit this website.Whether you enter or use this website through any means, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to these terms and agree that you are over 18 years old.Your use of this website and related actions are governed by these terms and other applicable laws.If you are over 13 years old but under 18 years old, you must first obtain the express consent of your legal guardian, and the legal guardian must also agree to and abide by these terms.

The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms from time to time, and the amendments will be effective from the first date.Your continued use of this website shall be construed as your acceptance of these terms as modified.If you do not agree to these terms, please stop using this website immediately.

For the purpose of these terms, any text, graphics, images, software, codes, sound files, videos, interactive features, trademarks, designs, icons, product descriptions, pictures, sequences (whether animated or not and whether sound) and all other materials or content provided by this website are collectively referred to as "the content of this website".

Use and Restrictions
1.1 You agree to use this website and the content on this website only for your personal and non-commercial use.
1.2 You agree that you will not, authorize or assist another person or entity to do or attempt to do the following:-

(a) breach these Terms;
(b) Interfere with the proper functioning of this website or any activities conducted on this website;
(c) Abusing or maliciously attacking this website, including but not limited to using viruses, Trojan horse programs, spyware or worms and other malicious software, using denial of service attacks, etc.The company reserves the right to report the attack to relevant law enforcement agencies and to disclose your identifying information to such agencies.

Products and Services

2.1 The products and services described on this website, and any products, services or samples provided by the company to you are for your personal use only, and shall not be used for any non-personal or commercial purposes.You may not sell or resell any products, services or samples obtained from the Company.If you violate this clause, the company has the right to refuse to provide you with any products, services or samples at its absolute discretion, and reserves the right to pursue the case.
2.2 The company can provide products, services, trial products or publish relevant information through this website or other methods designated by the company. The relevant content and invitation are only invitations and do not constitute a unilateral contract.If you intend to enjoy products, services or receive trial products, you can apply to the company through the method designated by the company (“application”). The application will constitute your offer to the company for products, services or sample products, and will be subject to relevant activities. Terms and conditions apply.
2.3 The Company may provide cosmetics, products and trial products, including but not limited to skin care products, cosmetics and perfumes.When you apply for services or obtain products or trial products from the company, it is deemed that you have made the following representations, representations and warranties to the company: you have consulted appropriate medical professionals for the opinions of enjoying services, using products or trial products.
2.4 The descriptions, introductions, information, features, specifications and prices of the products and services provided by the company (whether provided through this website, email or any other means) are for your general reference only and do not constitute any medical or other professional Opinion.This website does not and is not intended to diagnose, alleviate, alleviate, prevent or treat any disease or human condition.Skin care or personal care information, if any, provided on this website should not be considered a substitute for medical or professional advice.
2.5 The company will make reasonable efforts to publish the latest and most accurate information describing products and services on this website, but the company does not guarantee the content contained in this website (including but not limited to product descriptions, colors and information, etc.) absolute accuracy and completeness.The company reserves the right to change, correct and delete any wrong, inaccurate or missing content and information at any time without prior notice.

3 Intellectual property rights

This website and all elements, brands, drawings, models, photographs, texts, descriptions, logos, sequences (whether animated or not and with or without sound), graphics, etc. appearing on this website, together with their compilation, are the exclusive property of the seller property and is protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other intellectual property laws.This website (in whole or in part) and its content or branding may not be used, reproduced, copied, sold, resold, made available, modified or in any other way exploited in whole or in part for any purpose without the prior written authorization of the seller.

4 Disclaimer

4.1 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the company shall not be liable for any loss caused by your access to or use of this website or your inability to access or use this website, or the use of the content of this website.
4.2 The Company makes no representations or warranties regarding the following matters: (a) that this website will not be interrupted or that the content of this website is error-free or completely correct; (b) that any defects or errors in this website or the content of this website will be corrected or corrected , or (c) this website or this website's server is free from attack or damage by viruses or malware at any time.
4.3 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the company disclaims any guarantee (express or implied), including but not limited to implied guarantees of commercial quality, title, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Limitation of Liability
The company shall not be liable for any damages (whether direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential, including loss of profits and loss of information) arising from your use of or inability to use this website or the content of this website.Your sole remedy for any loss suffered by you as a result of your use of this site or its content is to discontinue using this site.

5 Dispute Resolution

These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (“Hong Kong”).You and the Company agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

6 Severability

If any provision of these Terms or any part of a provision is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severed from these Terms and the remaining provisions and the rest of the relevant provisions will remain in effect.

7 Waiver of rights
Even if the company fails to enforce or delay any of these terms, it shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the rights conferred by these terms.

8 Third party rights
(a) Subject to section 8(b), no person has any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce these terms and Any provisions of any contract entered into between you and us in relation thereto or have the benefit of such provisions.
(b) The Indemnified may rely on these Terms and any provision in any contract related to them and entered into between you and the Company by virtue of the Third Party Rights Ordinance only in the following circumstances and scope:-
(i) those provisions expressly limit or exclude the indemnite's liability; or
(ii) other rights or benefits expressly conferred on such indemnite (including without limitation any indemnity) under these provisions.

9 changes
The company reserves the final decision right to change these terms.The Company may change these Terms from time to time without prior notice and by posting changes on this website.

10 consultation
If you have any questions about these terms, please email to ezekt@ezebuonah.com for inquiries.

11 languages
If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.