Privacy Policy

The Ezebuonah International Limited (“Ezebuonah” or “we” and their corresponding grammatical derivatives) Privacy Policy (“this Privacy Policy”) describes how we collect and use your personal data.By accessing or using this website on any computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device, you agree to this Privacy Policy.We will update, change or revise this Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice.Your continued use of this website constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates, changes or modifications thereto.This Privacy Policy is effective as of the above date.
This Privacy Policy forms part of the Terms of Use ("Terms") for use of this website ("Website").Unless otherwise stated, terms used in this Privacy Policy will have the meanings ascribed to them in these Terms.
We will use and process your personal data in accordance with the terms of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) ("PDPO") and this Privacy Policy.
If you are a minor between the ages of 13 and 18, you must first obtain the express consent of your legal guardian for the use of this website and this Privacy Policy in order to continue to use this website.

Collection of Personal Data
1. You are not obliged to provide any information to us when you enter or use this website.We only collect personal data that you knowingly disclose.
2. If you wish to receive newsletters and latest notices about our products, upcoming events, services, promotions and other information, you may be required to provide personal data, including but not limited to your name and email address ("Personal Data") .
3. We may also collect certain data and information about your use of and interaction with this website in cookies or otherwise.Such data and information include, but are not limited to, IP addresses, browsing types and languages.

Purpose of Collection of Personal Data
4. Your personal data and other data will be used for the following purposes:
4.1 If you have opted in to receive our direct marketing communications, we may use your personal data to send you updates by email about our products, upcoming events, services, promotions and other information from time to time.Your personal data will be retained for as long as you wish to receive direct marketing communications from us.If you do not wish to receive direct marketing communications or updates from us, you may contact us at any time or select the opt-out option for each email.
5. Your personal data or other information will also be used for the following purposes:
5.1 to develop and personalize your experience using this website;
5.2 To operate, provide, improve and maintain the products and services provided by LG or its affiliates or affiliates (whether we provide such products and services through any brand or trademark), compile data and analyze your habits of using this website;
5.3 Comply with disclosure obligations and other requirements under any laws, regulations, codes, codes of practice or guidelines (whether applicable in Hong Kong or not);
5.4 to investigate, prevent or deter fraud or misuse of this website;
5.5 To perform the purposes directly or indirectly related to the above clauses 5.1 to 5.4.
6. We will take all practicable steps to ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss, or use.
7. We will provide regular training to our management, staff, staff and employees on the proper handling of your personal data.Your personal data can only be viewed by authorized employees.
data sharing

Affiliates and Affiliates
8. We may provide your personal data to our subsidiaries and affiliated companies for use in Hong Kong.
9. Your personal data may also be shared with our service providers ("service providers") for some activities of operating this website such as website management, but this is only used within the scope of performing their duties and not for other purposes .Some service providers may be located outside Hong Kong.
10. We have taken the necessary organizational and contractual measures to secure your personal data:

10.1 for the purposes described above only; and
10.2 To be protected from unauthorized or accidental access, processing, deletion, loss, or use.

11. The service provider will not send you products and services related to other companies without your authorization.

Legal Requirements or Rights Guarantees
12. We may disclose your personal data in response to relevant government requests, to comply with court orders, to comply with relevant laws or to enforce this Privacy Policy.
Amend or delete your personal data
13. You have the right to check whether your personal data or other personally identifiable data is held by us, and to request review and correction of the personal data in our records.
14. Please select the unsubscribe link in the email to unsubscribe and stop receiving communications at no charge (except for personal data transfer charges).
Storage of personal data
15. Your personal data will only be kept until the purpose of collecting personal data is fulfilled.Archived personal data may also be retained for statistical purposes.
Links to other websites
16. This website may contain links to other websites operated by other parties.These links are provided for your convenience only.Facial Apps is not responsible for the way these sites handle your personal data.
Small text files (cookies)
17. This website uses cookies (cookies).Cookies are small pieces of data sent by this website that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive so that this website can recognize your browser when you return to this website.By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you also agree to our use of cookies.
contact method

18. If you:

18.1 have any questions, comments or complaints about how our or your personal data is handled;
18.2 Do not wish to receive any direct marketing communications or updates from us;
18.3 wish to review your personal data collected and retained by us; or
18.4 wish to amend, correct or update your personal data or request that your personal data be deleted from our database;
You may contact our Customer Service Department at the following contact details:

19. We will provide you with a summary of your personal data upon your request.We may charge you a reasonable fee for processing and complying with your personal data access request.